Saturday, February 13, 2010

She Male Encounters 19 Torrent>she Are Dolphin Encounters Safe During Pregnancy?

Are dolphin encounters safe during pregnancy? - she male encounters 19 torrent>she

Whales and dolphins are safe during pregnancy? I will be 19 weeks pregnant when we go on vacation, and I want to swim with dolpin. I want to find only a flat, where the water is only waist deep.

The enounter is supported by a cruise line and asked if she was safe. They told me all the meetings in the cruise are safe when they say that pregnant women can not do the activity. So in my cruise to say that every activity, skydiving and scuba diving, I could not imagine, certainly for a pregnant woman.

I found my own research and that different types of dolphins swim say different things. Some allow a pregnant woman in the meetings in shallow water but not swim with the dolphins. Some do notDo not allow pregnant women to make one of the sessions. Some say, ask your doctor. What is truth? Male dolphin could really attack because she is pregnant? I read it.

Has anyone in an encounter with dolphins during pregnancy? How did it go? I really hear what others have to think about it.


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