Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tsa Liquids Why Are TSA Agents Still Afraid Of Liquids Over 3 Oz?

Why are TSA agents still afraid of liquids over 3 oz? - tsa liquids

The "liquid Boogeyman" History has proven that a joke of government. (Team Bush has created such a deviation from the allegation Gonzales). But Scaredy Cats TSA confiscate our toiletries.
Some say that they are entitled to such complaints from passengers instead do TSA agents lack of personal hygiene.


neilinpd... said...

Everything is mostly smoke and mirrors. Better something than nothing ... gives them something to do, as absurd as they are rubbish. The same goes for junk, why stupid as Clippers are not allowed, but the needles ... WTH? It's just another way of Bush and Co. continue to frighten the passengers.
With respect to the collection of toiletries for the personal use of the TSA agents ... Do not be stupid. The TSA employees are much more professional in appearance and behavior of the minimum wage, which was doing the same work as before 911th These are federal employees now ... who have not made this house, things with them.

soccerkn... said...

wow, prbably also believe that 9 / 11 was for us, right? So prevention is better than cure

Dangerma... said...

Anyone who knows the industry, will tell you that this is all BS and nothing but BS is that people believe that she is safely in the air, because if you really think that this goes wrong with an airplane that you will never be a .

10 My friends and I can bring a total of 33 ounces a large quantity of liquid explosive, and there are other things go, the boom can, if you are not the profile never a consideration.

It is also important, why bring everything Goop on the plan further? Take a shower to reach their destination, pack in your luggage. Even as someone who has problems with people who bathe in perfume, as I have the ban, OK I have to pay up to $ $ $ for a bottle of water in the security zone, but I'd rather pay than sit next to someone like perfume smells.

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